The 6 Best Prenatal Vitamins You Can Buy On Amazon
If you're pregnant (or #TTC), you're obviously eating all the kale, salmon, and whole grains you can...right?
LOL, right. Many moms-to-be eat whatever they can for the first few months (what up, saltine crackers and Swedish fish?) thanks to a little thing called morning sickness and a hyper-sensitive nose.
And that, kids, is exactly why prenatal vitamins were invented.
What exactly are prenatal vitamins?
Prenatal vitamins are there to fill in any nutritional gaps and make sure there is an abundance of all the vital nutrients your baby needs to grow—especially magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamins B and C, and folate, says G. Thomas Ruiz, M.D., ob-gyn at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.
Supplemental folate, in particular, is very important as it's been shown to reduce neural tube defects in babies, and you need at least 400 micrograms a day, according to the World Health Organization.
Most of these vitamins are water soluble, meaning you'll just pee out any excess, says Ruiz. (A.k.a. you don't need to worry about OD'ing.) There is one exception to this rule, however: iron, which can be toxic in large doses.
Pregnant women need 30 to 60 milligrams of iron each day, according to the guidelines from the World Health Organization. Most prenatal vitamins come fortified with extra iron, so as long as you're sticking to what's in your daily prenatal (and not supplementing with even more iron), you'll be fine, says Ruiz. (Caveat: If you are anemic, you might need even more than that, so discuss your individual needs with your doctor, says Ruiz.)
Okay, so when do I need to start taking prenatal vitamins—and for how long?
Ideally you should start taking them as soon as you start trying to conceive, says Ruiz. (FYI: It's a myth that they will increase your fertility, though.) Your baby will needs those extra nutrients from the moment of conception, says Ruiz.
Continue to take the vitamins throughout your pregnancy and afterwards, for as long as you're breastfeeding, he advises.
So how do I choose the right prenatal vitamins? (So. Many. Options!)
Sifting through drugstore shelves or Amazon suggestions is super intimidating. So here are the best-selling prenatal vitamins on Amazon—plus, insight from docs as to whether they really work: