Listeria (food poisoning)

Listeria (food poisoning)
Listeria is a type of bacteria carried in some foods that can lead to miscarriage or infect a newborn baby. Pregnant women can reduce their risk of listeria by eating wisely.
Follow hygienic food handling tips to avoid the risk of listeria.

What is listeria?

Listeria is a bacterium (Listeria monocytogenes) that is common in the environment, and is carried by many farm animals and pets. You can be infected by listeria if you eat contaminated food. Some foods are riskier than others – the riskiest are those eaten raw or inadequately cooked.
Listeriosis the name of the infection caused by listeria. It is rare, but potentially serious, especially for a fetus or newborn. Each year in Australia, about 150 people are hospitalised due to listeriosis, and a small number die.

Listeriosis symptoms

Many people exposed to listeria remain healthy. Some have no symptoms, while others have vomiting and diarrhoea, which is normally resolved without medical treatment.
But listeria can pass from the gut to other parts of the body such as the placenta and the brain. This type of listeria infection has a long incubation period (meaning it can take weeks or months after exposure for any symptoms to show).
Symptoms can be mild, including:
  • mild fever
  • muscle aches and joint pain
  • headache
  • diarrhoea
  • nausea
  • cough or cold
In rare cases, listeria can cause serious and life-threatening blood poisoning (septicaemia), meningitis (inflammation around the brain) or encephalitis (infection of the brain). Symptoms of these serious conditions include:
  • high fever
  • stiff neck
  • headache
  • sleepiness and confusion
  • seizures

Listeriosis in pregnancy and newborn babies

While listeriosis can affect anyone, it’s particularly worrying for pregnant women because it can cause miscarriagestillbirthor premature birth.
Newborn babies infected with listeria from their mother can become seriously ill with meningitis, blood poisoning or other infections. There are no records of women passing listeria to their babies through breastfeeding, however.

Listeria diagnosis

You should see your doctor if you think you might have listeriosis. For example, if you:
  • have eaten food subject to a recall for listeria contamination, or
  • are experiencing any symptoms of listeriosis
Your doctor will discuss the foods you’ve eaten and probably take a sample of blood. Listeriosis is confirmed if laboratory tests find listeria growing in the sample.

Listeriosis treatment

If you do develop listeriosis, you’ll be treated with antibiotics. Prompt treatment can stop the infection from passing to your unborn baby.

Listeriosis prevention

The best way to avoid listeria infection is to avoid high-risk foods, and to follow hygienic food handling techniques.
Foods at high risk of carrying listeria include:
  • foods at ready-to-eat salad bars, sandwich bars and delicatessens
  • ready-to-eat meals
  • soft and semi-soft cheeses
  • unwashed raw vegetables
  • soft-serve ice cream
  • raw shellfish and seafood
  • unpasteurised dairy products
  • cold cured or prepared meats
  • pâté
Click here for more information on food to avoid when pregnant.
Here are some tips on how to handle food to reduce your risk of infection.
  • If you’re cooking food, cook it thoroughly and eat it fresh.
  • If you eat fruit and vegetables raw, wash them well first.
  • Wash cookware and utensils well.
  • Wash knives and cutting boards after handling uncooked foods.
  • Store raw foods down low in the fridge and check the fridge temperature regularly.
  • Refrigerate leftovers immediately. If you don’t eat them within 24 hours, throw them out.
  • If you do reheat them, make sure they’re steaming hot.
  • Thaw frozen meats in the fridge.
  • Separate raw meat from vegetables, cooked foods and ready-to-eat foods in the fridge and while preparing food.
You should also:

When to seek help

Remember that even if you have only mild symptoms, listeria can have a serious effect on your baby. See your doctor if you have any concerns about listeria while pregnant.
You can also call Pregnancy Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak with a maternal child health nurse.
You should also seek medical advice if you have any concerns about the condition of your baby.
Sources: Birth Defects Research (Pregnancy‐related listeriosis). Opens in a new window.Communicable Diseases Network Australia (Listeriosis). Opens in a new window.Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (Listeria and food - advice for people at risk). Opens in a new window.ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology (Listeriosis during Pregnancy: A Public Health Concern). Opens in a new window.myDr (Listeria risk in pregnancy). Opens in a new window.NSW Health (Listeriosis)

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